tirsdag 18. oktober 2011

~ So many things.

Okay, long time sins I wrote anything so Hello! ^^

On saturday I was on a ye something you may call a job interview, and I agree to work.
Sunday, Monday and Thuseday.
The problem is just that my boss is .. nasty, like.
Saying he want's to kiss me and stoff like that.. 
And I'm a little afried of human contact like.. I do not like hugs and stoff that well.
And when he begins to massage me... THAT FREAKS me out! :S

And I didn't get paid, and I have worket for.. around 9 - 10 hours everyday.
So I'm a little irriteated, but something that is possitiv.
Is because of this job, and I believe the reason why I tried out to work there.
Was because.. I know have another job and I have job interview again! ^^
But this time.. I might get like..money! *laught*

I'm really tired right know.
And it might be like alot of wrong writing her..
but I'm just so tired that I don't care xD
Going to sleep now.. die a little.. :P

so ye..

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